Hydration of the Bisses [4 sessions]
Valmont applied this ancient tradition of hydraulic control to the skin. A moisturizing bath for the skin, this treatment slakes even the thirstiest skin. Filled with water, the epidermis is reactivated and the dermis reinflated, smoothing the wrinkles that result from dehydration. An essential treatment that will leave skin as fresh as the morning dew. Please note that the last available slot for booking is at 5.30 PM. Please Whatsapp +65 88030117 to schedule for another time slot. 法尔曼将传统的"Bisses"灌溉技术应用到肌肤上。透过此全面补湿疗程,宛如干涸的大地被滋润和浇灌。疗程后,肌肤全然重生,提升水润,真皮层恢复饱满平滑细致,改善皱纹和因脱水而出现的幼纹,纹理及疲劳痕迹尽消。 联系 8803 0117 或发送电子邮件至reservations@asleya.co 预订您的面部护理。【最后的时间段是五点半】

Please arrive at the spa 30 minutes before your reservation time for registration and complete the safe distancing procedures before your treatment as well as to begin your treatment as per your reservation time in order to enjoy the full spa experience. Should you wish to make any changes or cancellation to your reservation, kindly notify us before your scheduled appointment. Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at +65 8803 0117 or via email at reservations@asleya.co. We look forward to welcoming you to our Valmont Facial Spa.
Valmont, Singapore
190 Orchard Blvd, Four Seasons Hotel, Singapore 248646, Singapore